Messenger Web App

Building a Real-Time Messenger with Flask and Socket.IO:

In this guide, we'll create a real-time messenger app using Flask and Socket.IO. We'll dive into the mechanics of sockets and how they make real-time communication possible.

Unveiling the Power of Sockets

Sockets serve as the bridge that connects your server and client applications in real-time. By establishing a persistent connection between the two, they facilitate continuous communication, allowing you to send and receive data without the need for constant requests and responses.

The Role of Socket.IO

Socket.IO is a JavaScript library that enables real-time, bidirectional communication between web clients and servers. Unlike traditional HTTP requests, which are stateless and require continuous polling, Socket.IO establishes a WebSocket connection, which remains open throughout the user's interaction with the application. This connection is highly efficient, as it eliminates the overhead of repeatedly establishing and closing connections for each piece of data exchanged.

Backend Socket Logic

Let's delve into the backend of our real-time messenger and explore how sockets are utilized to enable seamless communication.

Socket Initialization

from flask import Flask
from flask_socketio import SocketIO

app = Flask(__name__)
socketio = SocketIO(app)

The SocketIO instance is created and initialized with our Flask app. This instance is crucial for managing socket connections and events.

Handling Connection

def handle_connect():
    print(f'Client connected SOCKET: {request.sid}')

The 'connect' event is triggered when a client connects to the server. This is a perfect starting point for any initialization or setup you might need.

User Authentication and User Tracking

users = {}  # To store connected users

def handle_login(data):
    username = data['username']
    users[request.sid] = username
    print(f'SOCKET User {username} logged in')
    print('SOCKET USERS:', users)

When a user logs in, we store their username along with their unique socket identifier (request.sid). This allows us to keep track of online users and target specific users when sending messages.

Real-Time Message Broadcasting

def handle_message(message):
    sender_username = users[request.sid]
    msg = json.loads(message)

    # Process the message and extract necessary data
    if 'text' in msg:
        message_data = {
            'text': msg['text'],
            'sender': sender_username,
            'recipient': msg['recipient'],
            'message_type': msg['message_type'],
            'date': msg['date'],
            'id': msg['id']
        recipient_sid = next(
            (sid for sid, username in users.items() if username == msg['recipient']),
        if recipient_sid:
            emit('message', json.dumps(message_data), room=recipient_sid)
        emit('message', json.dumps(message_data), room=request.sid)

    # Handle image messages similarly
    # ...

The 'message' event handler processes messages from clients. It extracts the sender's username and the recipient's socket identifier from our users dictionary. This information is used to broadcast the message to the intended recipient.

Handling Disconnection

def handle_disconnect():
    username = users.get(request.sid)
    if username:
        del users[request.sid]
        print(f'SOCKET User {username} disconnected')

Just as we handle connection, the 'disconnect' event lets us take actions when a client disconnects from the server.

Frontend Socket Logic

Now, let's unravel the frontend logic that complements the backend socket communication.

Socket Initialization

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import io from '';

const SERVER_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:5000';

function App() {
  const [socket, setSocket] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    const newSocket = io(SERVER_BASE_URL);

    return () => {
  }, []);

  // More code for handling events, message sending, etc.
  // ...

  return (
    <div className="App">
      {/* Your UI components */}

export default App;

The io() function from the library initializes a socket connection with the server. We create a state variable to manage the socket instance.

Listening for Events

useEffect(() => {
    if (!socket) return;

    // Listen for 'message' event from the server
    socket.on('message', (messageData) => {
        const message = JSON.parse(messageData);
        // Update UI to display received message
        // ...

    // More event listeners for user status change, contact addition, etc.
    // ...

    return () => {
        // Clean up event listeners when component unmounts'message');
        // Clean up other event listeners
        // ...
}, [socket]);

Here, we're using socket.on() to listen for the 'message' event sent from the server. When a message is received, we can update our UI to display it.

Sending Messages

const sendMessage = (messageText) => {
    const messageData = {
        text: messageText,
        recipient: 'recipient-username',
        // ... Other message properties
    socket.emit('message', JSON.stringify(messageData));

With the socket.emit() method, we send data to the server, specifying the event name ('message') and the data we want to send (in this case, a message object).

The complete source code for this project can be found on GitHub.